5 ASANAS TO CONTROL DIABETES. If you want to control diabetes, than place yoga , Mediation and Pranayama in your Lifestyle. Yoga is the most effective and easiest way to control blood sugar. Yogsutraa.in has brought 10 ways to control blood sugar through yoga. 1. PRANAYAM- Deep breathing in pure air helps in circulation of blood. In diabetes , doing Anulom- Vilom Pranayam is very beneficial. According to a scientific study, the patients of diabetes have a positive benefit from the right nostril breathing practice ie Surya Bhedan Pranayama. 2. BRIDGE POSE- This Asana is very beneficial for the suffers of diabetes. This posture controls high blood pressure. By doing this posture, the mind remains calm. So that diabetes is also under control. By doing this asana, the digestive system works correctly. By keeping the digestive system correct , sugar is also controlled. 3.CHILD POSE- Child pose is also very beneficial in controlling diabetes. In this posture, insulin secretion is increased due to pressure on the Pancreas. This asana relieves fatigue and stress. 4.SARVANGASANA- Sarvangasana is beneficial in diabetes, improves the functioning of Thyroid gland. The Thyroid gland keeps the whole body running. By doing this asana, the digestive system, nervous system and breathing system are good. So that easy to keep diabetes under control. 5.KATICHAKRASANA- In order to keep diabetes under control, Katichakrasana is effective in stretching the spine and relaxing the back tissue. Performing this asana affect the pancreas, which keeps diabetes under control. www.Yogsutraa.in