POWER YOGA FOR WORKING WOMEN Life is very fast and difficult in big cities today. Working women are unable to pay attention to their health under work pressure. Power yoga is a better option for such women to take more advantage in less time. Girls are learning Power Yoga for fast weight loss. The Power Yoga time is 45 minutes. 15 minutes of Pranayam can be added to it. Power Yoga must be done 3 days a week. Power Yoga is the advanced version of Ashtang Yoga. Power Yoga has an athletic style that focused on strength and flexibility. Many Bollywood actresses keep themselves fit through Power Yoga . Power Yoga strengthens muscles in addition to losing weight reduces stress, increases metabolism. In Power Yoga , Uttanapadasana, sarvangasana, Chal rasana, Halaman, Pachimottanasan ets. is a profitable posture. Female Yoga teachers of WWW.Yogsutraa.in has been providing Yoga services to women in NCR DELHI for a longtime. Contact us for FEMALE YOGA TEACHER IN VIVEK VIHAR, PREET VIHAR, YOJNA VIHAR, SURAJMAL VIHAR. WWW.Yogsytraa.in