YOGA CLASSES FOR ANXIETY, DEPRESSION AND MENTAL HEALTH IN INDIA In today’s time, due to increasing competition and poor lifestyle, the risk of physical and mental problem has become more than before. due to there reasons, people are now facing problems like stress, anxiety and Depression at an early age. Conditions such as stress and depression affect Quality of life. According to mental health experts, to avoid such problems, other options than medicines should also be looked at Regular practice of Yoga can significantly reduce mental stress. Mental health also has a very important place in Indian Philosophy. “YOGA TO AVOID MENTAL STRESS” (1)PRANAYAMA FOR MENTAL HEALTH- According to Hath Yog Pradipika, if the breath is under our control, then the mind will also be under control. For the betterment of mental health, the practice of breathing control pranayama can be of special benefit. The practice of pranayama increases the circulation of oxygen in the body and helps in maintaining blood pressure which can reduce the severity of stress, depression. The practice of pranayama is must beneficial to maintain mental health and to calm the mind . (2) MEDITATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH - Meditation has an important place in Ashtang Yoga. Everyone must practice Meditation for mental health. Practicing meditation posture or meditation can be beneficial to reduce mental health problems. Meditation is beneficial in Promoting positive Energy along with Eliminating negative Thoughts from the mind. It can be difficult to concentrate in the beginning. However, late the maximum benefit can be Obtained by increasing it’s duration . (3)YOGA IS BENEFICIAL IN EVERY WAY- According to yoga experts regular yoga and exercise can increase the secretion of Serotonin hormones in the brain. The Serotonin hormones helps to keep you happy . Regular yoga practice reduce the level of stress hormones and keeps us physically and mentally healthy . Along with achieving mental peace, people suffering from other disease should also practice regularly . Visit our website For more information about YOGA TRAINERS AT HOME FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT.