YOGA THERAPY IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE. WWW.YOGSUTRAA.IN. PARKINSON'S disease is a slow growing disorder in the nervous system. In Parkinson's disease some nerve cells present in the brain slowly degenerate or perish. Neurons produce chemicals called Dopamine in our Brain. Dopamine levels are reduced by the destruction of neurons, which causes abnormal brain activity. This disease is more in the age of 60 or above. YOGA IN PARKINSON- In the beginning of Parkinson's it be controlled by practicing yoga postures muscle are strengthened by various activities of yoga. After a few days of yoga, the patient feels much better by increasing 'DOPAMINE' in the blood. A person suffering from Parkinson's disease should perform the yoga under the supervision of a qualified YOG GURU. Doing "MYSORE ASHTANGA YOGA" in Parkinson's disease has special benefits. In Parkinson's disease pavan muktasana, Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasan, Naukasana, vipreet karni, Gomukhasana, Pashchimottan ansana and Shavasana should be practiced. Apart from this Om chainting, Ujjai, Anulom vilome, Bhramari pranayan yoga is also relaxing by doing special practice of Yognidra. Yogsutraa provide "YOGA THERAPY TRAINER AT HOME". More information visit our website www.yogsutraa.in